Galen Terrace
1649 W St. SE, Washington, DC 20020
galenterraceapts.comSomerset acquired Galen Terrace Apartments, a 83-unit, Section 8 property, in partnership with National Housing Trust-Enterprise Preservation Corporation and the Galen Terrace Tenant Association in 2006. The property is located in the Anacostia neighborhood in Southeast Washington DC
Utilizing tax exempt bonds and Low Income Housing Tax Credits through the DC Housing Finance Agency, and funding from the DC’s Department of Housing and Community Development, Somerset and its partners completed a renovation of the property in May 2007. The renovation included all new HVAC systems, kitchens and baths, windows, entrances, roof, laundry rooms, a community center with computer lab, landscaping, fencing and lighting, energy efficient appliances and security systems.
The renovations incorporated many “green” features that have made the building more energy efficient and healthier for residents. Galen Terrace was the first rehabilitated property in DC to meet all the green criteria under the Enterprise Green Community Initiative. The partnership is dedicating operating income, soliciting grants, and establishing partnerships to support comprehensive services such as after school and summer programs, workforce development programs, a community garden and organized activities for senior citizens.
Somerset and NHT-Enterprise won the 2008 Housing Achievement Award for “Best Affordable Project in DC.” from the Housing Association for Non-profit Developers (HAND).