Johnston Square Revival Continues with Project for New Apartments, Library – Baltimore Banner
August 10, 2024
Johnston Square revival continues with project for new apartments, library
7/11/2024 5:30 a.m. EDT, Baltimore Banner
An apartment building with a new Enoch Pratt Free Library branch broke ground Wednesday on what used to be 42 vacant lots
East Baltimore’s Johnston Square neighborhood has long been hailed by local government leaders as an example of how the city can turn its surplus of vacant homes around. Once badly blighted and devoid of new investment, the community saw many of its homes — and its lifeblood — go dark over the years. But over the last decade, vacancy rates there have fallen, homeowners have moved in and neighbors say property values have increased. Developer ReBUILD Metro is reviving the neighborhood whole blocks at a time, infusing the community with renovated housing, street improvements and public amenities. The effort has required enormous investment — almost $100 million has been raised so far — and partnerships with longtime residents to help see the work through.
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